How Do You Know If a Wasp Nest Is Active?

Generally, wasps are active during summer, and it’s the time of the year when our team at Wasps Control Melbourne receives more inquiries for wasp removal. They start to build their nests during spring and become active in warmer months. Unlike bees, most wasp colonies don’t survive the winter. Worker wasps and males die off in the autumn or winter. Only the mated queen wasp lives on. Active wasp nests can pose a threat. If you have spotted a wasp nest and are wondering whether it’s active or not, this guide will help you.


If you see a group of wasps entering and exiting a specific hole in the nest during the daytime, it’s a strong indicator of an active colony. You should pay attention to their flight patterns – a constant activity around the entrance is a clear sign that the nest is active and wasps are coming and going. You may need a wasp control service to keep the activity under control.

Buzzing Sounds

Active wasp nests can sometimes emit a low humming or buzzing sound. This is caused by the collective wing beats of the wasps inside, and while not always noticeable, it can be a helpful clue, especially during quieter evening hours.

Newly Built

Think of a brand-new apartment building. If the nest appears new and clean, with a light brown, papery texture, it’s likely an active construction site. Wasps are constantly adding to their nest as the colony grows. And, older and abandoned nests may appear dull and weathered. If the nest is active, consider wasp nest removal to get rid of the entire colony.

What To Do?

  • If you suspect an active nest, especially near frequently used areas like patios or doorways, it’s best to avoid disturbing it.
  • Make sure to observe from a distance and don’t get too close to the nest for a closer look.
  • You need to observe the activity from a safe distance, at least 10 feet away, to avoid provoking the wasps.
  • Wasp activity slows down at night. So, wait until daytime for a more accurate assessment of the nest’s activity level.

By understanding the signs of an active wasp nest, you can make informed decisions about how to proceed. Remember, if you feel uncomfortable dealing with the nest yourself, consider contacting a pest control professional like Wasps Control Melbourne. With a little caution, you can protect your backyard from wasp infestations. For wasp nest removal in Melbourne, contact our team at 03 9021 3738 today.

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