Are Wasps Beneficial? – Let’s Find Out!

Are Wasps Beneficial Let’s Find Out

Wasps are valuable pollinators but are hated by people due to their painful stings. Being useful buzzing insects around the ground by feeding on other insects and flies, rotten fruits and vegetables, and wasps can be helpful in many more ways. Though they’re useful, you shouldn’t encourage their presence or nests on your property. If you spot them on your property, make sure to call a wasp control specialist to get rid of them immediately. If you see signs of wasp activity or even a wasp nest on your property, then you should contact your local wasp control expert as soon as possible. It is crucial that you don’t try to get rid of the wasps’ nest yourself as this is a dangerous job. In today’s blog, let’s see how useful they are.

  • Wasps don’t swarm unless provoked or threatened by people. So, whenever you spot a wasp nest, be sure not to touch them or use DIY methods to get rid of the nest.

  • Wasps are great pollinators and can help propagate new plants.  Though they are not efficient pollinators like bees, they can pollinate new plants to a certain extent.

  • Wasps play a major role in agriculture by eating the crop-eating insects & flies that damage crops. They are the best source of control for a wide range of crop-eating pests. Researchers say that wasps can be considered sustainable pollinators crucial for the environment. Like bees, wasps are also beneficial to the ecosystem & should not be killed or terminated.

  • Wasps’ venom & saliva have antibiotic properties and are used in medicines.

  • Yellow Jackets venom is used to treat cancers as well.

  • Wasps are effective predators that can control other pests and ensure keep your crops safe.


If you’re looking for eco-friendly wasp nest removal services across Melbourne, call Wasp Control Melbourne on 03 9021 3738 today.

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