Proven Ways To Get Rid Of Wasps From Your Property

Proven Ways To Get Rid Of Wasps From Your Property

Do you feel the buzz around the ears? The Autumn season is filled with buzzing insects, flies & wasps are no exception. They are more aggressive & predatory than bees & some wasp species like yellow jackets & paper wasps are aggressive when humans approach their nests & this is why it’s crucial to leave the nest untouched. If you spot a wasp nest on your property, hire a wasp control Melbourne to take care of the property. They are good to have around the garden, for they eat the rotten veggies, fruits and feed on other insects.  In today’s blog, we’ll discuss the best wasp deterrent methods you can trust. 

Check For Nests

Spotting the nest is crucial before they develop and grow into larger ones. You can inspect your car sheds, garages, wall cavities and deck areas. No matter their nest size, hire a wasp nest removal expert to get rid of them thoroughly.

Cut Down Their Food Access

Wasps like to binge on carbohydrates and sweet drinks, sugar and cakes.  So, cut down the access by cleaning the mess after you eat. Also, if you’re having an outdoor party, be sure to clean & sanitise the area. Wasps get attracted by sugar-filled drinks and might love to visit your property.

Keep Wasp Repellents

The best prevention method is to place wasp-repelling plants around your home and patio. Plants like wormwood, marigold, mint, basil, pennyroyal, and geranium work their best to deter the wasps that try to build a nest on your property.

Seal Your Trash cans

Like possums, wasps also love to take a trip in your garbage cans & compost piles. They love old rotting food as much as fresh ones. So, always keep the garbage cans sealed instead of having the trash lying around your property.

They Have Diet Plan

During spring and summer wasps love eating protein-rich foods & in colder months, wasps crave sweets & get attracted to every sugar food.

If you have been struggling with wasp infestation or have a wasp nest to be removed, call Wasp Control Melbourne on 03 9021 3738 today.

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